TEN's selected products are now available at The M+ Museum Shop


TEN's selected products are now available at The M+ Museum Shop

📣 We are thrilled to announce that TEN's selected products are now available at The M+ Shop in Hong Kong! We hope to reach more like-minded design enthusiasts through various retail outlets, spreading our brand manifesto #MakeStationeryAlive 🙏 Remember to check out this incredible store next time you're around 🛍️

Besides seeing exhibitions and M+'s architecture design, you can also enjoy one of the best Victoria Harbour views from there ☀️

📍The M+ Shop

Monday: Closed

Tuesday - Thursday: 11:00–19:00

Friday: 11:00–22:00

Saturday - Sunday: 11:00–19:00

📣 非常高興向大家宣布TEN的精選產品現於香港M+博物館的M+本店有售!希望透過不同的寄賣點可讓更多設計同好者發掘我們的品牌,傳達 #MakeStationeryAlive 的理念。🙏 喜歡逛展覽的朋友,千萬不要錯過這間手禮店喔~ 🛍️


📍M+ 本店





#MakeStationeryAlive #TEN #stationery #TENstationery #STAND #IAM #Cardholder #HANGON #BallpointPen #Pen #Design #HongKongDesign #HongKong #MPlusMuseum #MPlus #Art #Minimal #Stylish #Lifestyle #簡約 #文具 #設計 #文房具 #禮物提案 #文具控 #本地設計 #藝術

Paul Lam